1 research outputs found

    Hospital Preparedness: Effects of Designated Preparedness Coordinators on Hospital Preparedness for Special Hazard Classes

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    Since 9/11, little statistical rigor has been placed on identifying the correlates of hospital preparedness. This quantitative study explores the research question: Is there a correlation between the employment of a designated hospital preparedness coordinator and the reported level of preparedness for: (a) general preparedness; (b) chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) events; (c) pandemic disease outbreaks; (d) mass casualty events; and (e) internal infrastructure failure, as assessed by an online survey. Alternative analysis was conducted to assess the relationship between access to resources and the 5 dependent variables. Using complexity theory as the theoretical framework, point biserial correlation and Pearson\u27s method were used to assess the relations between the dependent and independent variables. Initially, no statistically significant correlative relationship was found using point biserial analysis. However, further analysis found that the correlation between full-time employment of a preparedness coordinator and pandemic preparedness reached significance. Point biserial analysis of the alternative research questions found statistically significant correlations between access to preparedness resources, CBRN, pandemic, and infrastructure failure preparedness. Pearson analysis found a statistically significant correlation between single facility coordinator responsibilities and pandemic preparedness. This identifies at least 2 significant correlates of hospital preparedness. Positive social change can be achieved by identifying strategies that leverage these assets in a fiscally sustainable constructs that maximize hospitals\u27 ability to effectively serve the community in disasters but that do not so heavily rely on government funding and grants in a world of ever-changing priorities